☆ 火在燒跟訂閱人的互動是這樣的:
很多人都在用這工具,但是有多少人真的知道這工具該怎麼用、有什麼限制?網路上零零碎碎的相關文章很多,但都是點到為止,講這個,就沒講那個。在這裡,我們不敢輕忽任何一個工具的背後智慧與巧思,也相信這工具在國際上會有名,必有其可取之處。我們更相信,這些免費工具應該讓每個人使用,我們也知道要「深入淺出」並不容易,但是我們就是覺得事情應該這樣,不怕你笑,在這裡我們講的會很淺、很白。希望更多人一起來用,作科技的主人。如果你有特殊的使用經驗或心得,歡迎一起跟我們分享。 FeedBurner 靠過來一點 ...
FeedBurner’s advanced feed management technology delivers subscription services for nearly 300,000 publishers large and small to grow their reach, measure their audience and monetize their content with advertising. Founded in 2003, FeedBurner enables bloggers, podcasters and commercial publishers such as Reuters, USA TODAY and Newsweek to deliver nearly 30 million daily feed subscriptions to 190 countries. The company operates the largest advertising network for feeds, delivering 15 million subscriptions across 12 advertising channels and offers advertisements for placement on blogs and Web sites. FeedBurner is a privately held company headquartered in Chicago. For more information about FeedBurner and feed management, please visit http://www.feedburner.com
Traci Hailpern
FeedBurner, Inc.
312.756.0022 ext. 2016
Wynne Ahern
Communication Strategies for FeedBurner, Inc.
FeedBurner is the leading provider of media distribution and audience engagement services for blogs and RSS feeds. Our Web-based tools help bloggers, podcasters and commercial publishers promote, deliver and profit from their content on the Web.
FeedBurner also offers the largest feed and blog advertising network that brings together an unprecedented caliber of content aggregated from the world’s most recognized media companies (e.g. Wall Street Journal Online, Wired News, Ziff Davis), A-list bloggers and blog networks and individual publishers from around the world.